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_Re: "환경과학론"_학생구두발표 주제
작성자 MML 작성일 21-11-24 19:09 조회 2,696

- 구두발표 주제/논문 목록 -

1. "침묵의 봄 Silent Spring" (by R. Carson, 1962. 9. 27)

2. 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회: "COP21" [Paris Climate Talk (2015년)]; "COP26" [Glasgow (2021년)]

3. Biosphere II [Earth system science research facility: The 1st closed mission, 1991~1993]

4. Model and Modelling

5. "엔트로피 Entropy: A New World View" (by J. Rifkin)

6. "나비" ('외눈박이 물고기의 사랑'_류시화) [Organization hierarchy/Emergent property/Entropy 시각에서 해석]

7. "생명의 윤리를 말하다 The Case against Perfection" (by M. Sandel)

8. A Synthetic Bacterium (by 'J. Craig Venter Institute') [Science, 2016]

9. 생명윤리_'3-Parent' Babies (using a 'Mitochondrial Replacement Technique'); The World-First Gene-Edited Babies, 'Lulu' and 'Nana'; Human-Monkey Chimeric Embryos [Cell, 2021]

10. "호킹의 빅 퀘스천에 대한 간결한 대답 Brief Answers to the Big Questions" (by S. W. Hawking)

11. "종의 기원 On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" (by C. R. Darwin)

12. 진화_"눈먼 시계공 The Blind Watchmaker" (by R. Dawkins)

13. 진화_"플라밍고의 미소 The Flamingo's Smile" (by S. J. Gould)

14. 진화_"다윈의 블랙박스 Darwin's Black Box" (by M. Behe) 

15. 진화_2012년 대한민국 '시조새 논란' (교수신문) ["South Korea Surrenders to Creationist Demands" (Nature, 2012. 6. 5)]

16. "가이아, 살아있는 생명체로서의 지구 Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth" (by J. Lovelock, 1979)

17. 가이아 가설_"가이아-지구의 체온과 맥박을 체크하라 Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine" (1991); "가이아의 시대 The Age of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth" (1995); "가이아의 복수 The Revengen of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity" (2007); "The Vanishing Face of Gaia" (2009) 

18. 유전자변형생물체_Synthetic Auxotrophy: Biocontainment of GMOs by synthetic protein design

19. 유전자변형생물체_Noack et al. (2024) "Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops" Science. 385. 

20. 생태계오염_Thompson et al. (2024) "Twenty years of microplastic pollution research—what have we learned?" Science386

21. 생태계 가치 평가_Costanza et al. (1997) "The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital" Nature. 387:253

22. 생태계 가치 평가_Groot et al. (2012) "Global Estimates of the Value of Ecosystems and Their Services in Monetary UnitsEcosystem Service. 1:50
