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About Members

강세빈 (Sebin Kang)
PhD, post-Doc
학력 및 경력

2008 ~ 2015. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 BS
2015. 9. ~ 2022. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 PhD [박사학위 논문 : Functional Characterization of DctD, the Transcription Factor Essential for Biofilm Maturation in Response to Various Carbon Sources]

2022. 9 ~ 서강대학교 생명과학과 분자미생물학연구실 post-Doc

- 2018. 12. '케미컬리더' 장학금 [2018학년도 2학기]
- 2019. 4. '케미컬리더' 장학금 [2019학년도 1학기]
- 2019. 6. 우수 학생구두발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회) 제목: Induction of EPS production by dicarboxylic acids via multimerization and phosphorylation of a transcription activator DctD
- 2021. 1. 우수대학원생상 (서강대 생명과학과)

- 2021. 12. 박순희 장학생 (서강대 생명과학과)

- 2023. 2. Dean‘s Award for Graduate Students (서강대)

[논문 발표]
- Kang, S., H. Park, K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Transcription activation of two clusters for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis by phosphorylated DctD in Vibrio vulnificus. Environmental Microbiology. ​23(9):5364-5377.

Kang, S. and K.-H. Lee. 2022. Transition of dephospho-DctD to the transcriptionally-active state via interaction with dephospho-IIAGlc. mBio 13(2):e03839-21. 

- Kang, S., B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2024. Characterization of the transcriptionally active form of dephosphorylated DctD complexed with dephospho-IIAGlcmBio15(5):e00330-24.

장보람 (Bo-Ram Jang)
PhD, post-Doc
학력 및 경력

2009 ~ 2014. 2. 서강대 생명과학과 BS
2014. 3. ~ 2016. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 MS [석사학위논문 : 패혈증비브리오균 조절 RNA에 의한 혐기성대사 조절단백질의 번역단계 조절 규명]
2016. 9. ~ 2024. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 PhD [박사학위논문 : Functional characteristics of Vibrio vulnificus at the host-pathogen interface: Microbiome interaction, metabolism switching, and biofilm maturation]

2024. 9 ~ 서강대학교 생명과학과 분자미생물학연구실 post-Doc

- 2018. 6. 우수 논문구두발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회) 제목: Maturation of Biofilms via Specific Interaction of an Extracellular Lipoprotein with Exopolysaccharides

- 2021. 9. 우수대학원생상_최우수상 (서강대 생명과학과

- 2021. 12. 박순희 장학생 (서강대 생명과학과)

- 2022. 2. Dean‘s Award for Graduate Students (서강대)

2023. 6.  대상 포스터발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회) 제목: An sRNA Regulating the Fermentation Pathways in a Foodborne Pathogen


- Jang, B.-R., J.-A. Kim, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, and K.-H. Lee, 2021. Increased Pathogenicity via Changing the Gut Microbiome Structure by a Pathogen's Signal Molecule. MSK, 'SRC session  

- Jang, B.-R., K.-J. Lee, H.-W. Yang, and K.-H. Lee. 2024. An Extracellular Lipoprotein Released from OMV Enhances Biofilm Maturation via Specific Interaction with Exopolysaccharides. MSK'SRC session

[논문 발표]

Kim, J.-A., M.-A. Lee, Y.-C. Jung, B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Repression of VvpM protease expression by quorum sensing and the cAMP-CRP complex in Vibrio vulnificusJournal of Bacteriology. 200:e00526-17.
- Kim, J.-A.*, B.-R. Jang*, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, K.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Vibrio vulnificus induces the death of a major bacterial species in the mouse gut via cyclo-Phe-Pro. Microbiome9:161. (*: co-first authors)

Bae, D.-W., S H. Lee, J. H. Park, S.-Y. Son, Y. Lin,  J. H. Lee, B.-R. Jang, K.-H. Lee, Y.-H. Lee, H. S. Lee, S. G. Kang, B. S. Kim, S.-S. Cha. 2023. An archaeal transcription factor EnfR with a novel ‘eighth note’ fold controls hydrogen production of a hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus NA1. Nucleic Acids Research. 51(18):10026–10040.

- Kang, S., B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2024. Characterization of the transcriptionally active form of dephosphorylated DctD complexed with dephospho-IIAGlcmBio15(5):e00330-24.


- 장보람. 2022. 6. 식중독 세균 vs. 장내 공생 세균: 장 속에서 벌어지는 전쟁. 과학동아. 438:138-141.

송영진 (Young-Jin Song)
PhD course
학력 및 경력


2016 ~ 2020. 2. 서강대 생명과학과 BS

2020. 3. ~ 2022. 2. 서강대 생명과학과 MS [석사학위논문 : Expression of a Transcription Factor, IscR, Is Determined by the Cellular Levels of Ferrous Ions Complexed with Fur]

2022. 3. ~ 서강대 생명과학과 박사과정


2019. 5. 장진장학생 (서강대 생명과학과)

2021. 8. 우수 포스터논문상 (한국미생물학회)  

[학술대회 발표] 

- Song, Y.-J., S.-Y. Na, J.-A. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Cellular Abundance of a Transcription Factor, IscR, Is Determined by the Cellular Levels of Fur Complexed with Ferrous Ions. MSK  

Song, Y.-J. and K.-H. Lee. 2022. Inverse Relationship between the Degree of IscR Expression and the Cellular Levels of Ferrous Ions: Implication in the Pathogenic Interactions within Host Environments. (구두발표) KMB 

Song, Y.-J., J.-A Kim, D.-K. Kwon, H.-J. Lee and K.-H. Lee. 2022. Anaerobic Expression of the Vibrio vulnificus Nrf, Periplasmic Nitrite Reductase, Is Activated by the Iron-Fur Complex. MSK

​- Song, Y.-J., J.-A Kim, Y.-C. Jung and K.-H. Lee. 2023. Degree of IscR Expression is Inversely Related to the Cellular Levels of Ferrous Ions. (SRC session_구두발표). MSK

조소민 (So-Min Cho)
MS course
학력 및 경력
2018. 3 ~ 2023. 8. 전북대 생명공학부 BS
2023. 7 ~ 서강대 생명과학과 석사과정

[학술대회 발표] 

Cho, S.-M., B.-R. Jang, Y.-J. Song, S. Kang, and K.-H. Lee. 2024. Role of a GlcNAc-Sensing MCP in Chemotactic Response of Vibrio vulnificus to the Intestinal MucusMSK  

김주은 (Ju-Eun Kim)
MS course
학력 및 경력
2018. 3 ~ 2023. 8. 부산대 생명환경화학과 BS
2024. 2 ~ 서강대 생명과학과 사과정
2021. 캡스톤 동상 (부산대학교)
2021. 지역발전공모전 우수상 (부산인재평생교육진흥원)
정건 (Kun Jeong)
BS course
학력 및 경력


2019. 3. ~ 2025. 2. 서강대 생명과학과 BS (예정)

2025. 3. ~ 서강대 생명과학과 석사과정 (예정)

'분자미생물학`생물막' 연구실
학력 및 경력
Former Lab Members
학력 및 경력


2012 ~ 2024. 3. 19. 서강대 생명과학과 MML 연구원

[학술대회 발표]

- Lee, K.-J., Y.-R. Kim, J. K. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. Improved Bioethanol Production Using a Corynebacterium glutamicum Strain Carrying FrsA, IIAGlc, and ADH Genes. KMB

Jang, B.R., Y.C. Jung, Y.-R. Kim, Y.H. Cho, H.C. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2023. Bacteriocidal effect of lipid drill-nanoparticles on a model foodborne pathogen, Vibrio vulnificus. Samsung Global Technology Symposium (2023.04.21)

- FrsA를 발현하는 균주 및 이를 이용한 에탄올 생산방법. 등록번호:10-1432072 (2014)
- Strain Expressing FrsA and Method for Producing Ethanol Using the Same. US Patent​ 9567576 (2017)

- ビブリオ敗血症 予防用 薬学的 組成物. 日本特許 7549899 (2024) 


- Kim, J.-A., B.-R. Jang, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, K.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Vibrio vulnificus induces the death of a major bacterial species in the mouse gut via cyclo-Phe-Pro. Microbiome. 9:161.

학력 및 경력
2017 ~ 2021. 8. 숙명여대 생명시스템학부 BS
2021. 9. ~ 2023. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 MS [석사학위논문 : 패혈증비브리오균의 혈청주화성 특성 및 조절단백질의 동정: Chemotactic Response to Animal Bloods by a Pathogenic Bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus]


2022. 11. 우수 포스터상 (한국미생물학회) 

2023. 6.  구두발표상 장려상 (한국미생물`생명공학회)

현, 은평성모병원  

[학술대회 발표] 
Suh, Y., Y.-C. Jung, J.-H. Yu, H.-W. Yang, Y.-R. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2022. Chemotactic Response to Animal Bloods by a Pathogenic Bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. MSK 
Suh, Y., Y.-R. Kim, Y.-J. Song, Y.-C. Jung, and K.-H. Lee. 2023. Chemotaxis of a Septicemia-Causing Pathogen to Animal Bloods. (구두발표) KMB 

학력 및 경력


2005 ~ 2008 한국외대 환경학과 BS

2009 ~ 2011 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 패혈증비브리오균의 세포외 단백질분해효소 serine protease의 전사단계 조절기작 규명]

2011. 9. ~ 2023. 8. (2019 - 2022: 휴학) 서강대학교 생명과학과 PhD [위논문 : Characterization of the Fur-Mediated Regulatory Hierarchy in Expression of the Major Virulence Factors of Vibrio vulnificus]


2023 ~ 한국해양연구원


- 2010. 6. 25. 우수 구두발표상 (한국미생물·생명공학회). 제목: Characterization of the Serine Protease Gene Expression in Vibrio vulnificus: Transcriptional Regulation by a Quorum-Sensing Regulator and LeuO.

- 2013. 5. 3. 우수 포스터논문상 (한국미생물학회). 제목: Transcriptional and Post-Translational Regulation of Hemolysin (VvhA) Production in Vibrio vulnificus.

- 2018. 5. 31. 우수대학원생상 (서강대 생명과학과)

[논문 발표]

- Lim*, M. S., J.-A. Kim*, J. G. Lim, B. S. Kim, K. C. Jeong, K.-H. Lee and S. H. Choi. 2011. Identification and characterization of a novel serine protease, VvpS, that contains two functional domains and is essential for autolysis of Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Bacteriology. 193:3722-3732 (*: co-first author)

- Lee*, H.-J., J.-A. Kim*, M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013. Regulation of hemolysin (VvhA) production by ferric uptake regulator (Fur) in Vibrio vulnificus: Repression of vvhA transcription by Fur and proteolysis of VvhA by Fur-repressive exoproteases. Molecular Microbiology. 88(4):813-826. (*: co-first author)

- Lee*, K.-J., J.-A. Kim*, W. Hwang, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013 Role of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) in biofilm formation and regulation of CPS production by quorum-sensing in Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 90(4):841-857. (*: co-first author)

- Lee, M.-A., J.-A Kim, Y. J. Yang, M.-Y. Shin, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. VvpM, an extracellular metalloprotease of Vibrio vulnificus, induces apoptotic death of human cells. Journal of Microbiology. 52(12):1036-1043. 

- Lee, M.-A. J.-A. Kim, M.-Y. Shin, J. K. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2015. VvpM induces human cell death via multifarious modes including necroptosis and autophagy. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 25(2):302-306.

- Kim, J.-A. J. H. Park, M.-A. Lee, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, K.-S. Kim, S.H. Choi and K.-H. Lee. 2015. Stationary phase induction of vvpS expression by three transcription factors: Repression by LeuO and activation by SmcR and CRP. Molecular Microbiology. 97(2):330–346.

- Kim, J.-A., M.-A. Lee, Y.-C. Jung, B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Repression of VvpM protease expression by quorum sensing and the cAMP-CRP complex in Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Bacteriology. 200:e00526-17.

Park, N.-Y., I. H. Kim, Y. Wen, K.-W. Lee, S. Lee, J.-A. Kim, K.-H. Jung, K.-H. Lee, and K.-S. Kim. 2019. Multi-factor regulation of the master modulator LeuO for the cyclic-(Phe-Pro) signaling pathway in Vibrio vulnificus. Scientific Reports. 9:20135.

- Kim*, J.-A., B.-R. Jang*, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, K.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Vibrio vulnificus induces the death of a major bacterial species in the mouse gut via cyclo-Phe-Pro. Microbiome. 9:161. (*: co-first author)

학력 및 경력

2007 ~ 2013. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 (경영학 복수전공) BS
2013. 9 ~ 2021. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 PhD [학위논문 : Differential Role of Flagellin Subunits and Flagellin-Like Proteins of the Pathogenic Vibrio Species in the Biofilm Developmental Stages]

2021. 9 ~ 2022. 3. "BK21: Stress-Responding Biomolecules Center" (서강대학교 생명과학과) Post-Doc.

현, 인세리브

- 2013. 3. LG 생명과학 동문 장학금
- 2015. 6. 우수 학생구두발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회) 제목: Role of Non-Flagellin Proteins in Biofilm Formation of Vibrio vulnificus
- 2017. 6. 최우수 학생구두발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회) 제목: RpoS Stability Is Controlled by Cellular Level of Potassium Ion
- 2017. 10. 서강대학교 생명과학과 발전후원회 장학금
- 2018. 4. 우수 학생구두발표상 (한국미생물학회) 제목: Regulation of Sigma S Stability via Potassium Ion at Post-translational Level
- 2021. 1. 서강대 생명과학과 우수대학원생상 (최우수상)

- 2021. 9. 서강대 생명과학과 우수대학원생상

[논문 발표]
- Lee, K-J., Y.-C. Jung, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Role of heat-shock proteases in quorum sensing-mediated regulation of biofilm formation by Vibrio species. mBio. 9(1):e02086-17.

Kim, J.-A., M.-A. Lee, Y.-C. Jung, B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Repression of VvpM protease expression by quorum sensing and the cAMP-CRP complex in Vibrio vulnificusJournal of Bacteriology. 200:e00526-17
- Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2019. Role of the flagellin-homologous proteins in biofilm formation by pathogenic Vibrio species. mBio. 10(4): e01793-19.
- Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee, H.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Role of DegQ in differential stability of flagellin subunits in Vibrio vulnificus. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 7:32. 

Kim, J.-A., B.-R. Jang, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, K.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Vibrio vulnificus induces the death of a major bacterial species in the mouse gut via cyclo-Phe-Pro. Microbiome. 9:161. 

MS, PhD, post-Doc
학력 및 경력


2003 ~ 2007 한국외대 환경학과 BS

2007 ~ 2009 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 패혈증 비브리오균 Fermentation/Respiration 스위치 단백질의 기능 및 Ribosomal proteins 코딩 오페론군의 발현 조절 규명]

2009 ~ 2011 한국외대 환경학과 박사과정 수료

2011. 9 ~ 2018. 2 서강대학교 생명과학과 PhD [학위논문 : Novel Functions of Virulence Factors Associated with Biofilm Formation in Vibrio vulnificus​]


2018. 2 ~ 2019. 5 서강대학교 생명과학과 분자미생물학연구실 post-Doc

2019. 6 ~ 2020. 8 Dept. Immunol Microbiol [Dr. Stefan Pukatzki], Univ. Colorado School of Medicine

2020. 9 ~ Dept. Biology [Dr. Stefan Pukatzki], City College of New York


- 2010/2011 서울과학장학생 (서울시)

- 2013. 5. 우수 논문구두발표상 (한국미생물학회). 제목: Regulation of Biofilm Formation by Quorum Sensing-Mediated Capsular Polysaccharide Production in Vibrio vulnificus.

- 2014. 6. 우수 포스터발표상 (한국미생물생명공학회). 제목: Improved Bioethanol Production Using a Corynebacterium glutamicum Strain Carrying FrsA, IIAGlc, and ADH Genes.

- 2015. 10. 새별여성과학자상 대상 (여성생명과학기술포럼)

- 2016. 12. 다우케미칼-서강 우수 대학원생상

- 2019. 4. 25. 서강대 생명과학과 우수 대학원생/포스트닥상 (우수상)

[논문 발표]

Lee, K.-J., N. Y. Lee, Y.-S. Han, J. Kim, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2010. Functional characterization of the IlpA protein of Vibrio vulnificus as an adhesin and its role in bacterial pathogenesis. Infection and Immunity. 78(6): 2408-2417.

- Lee, K.-J., C.-S. Jeong, Y. J. An, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, Y.-J. Seok, P. Kim, J.-H. Lee, K.-H. Lee*, and S.-S. Cha*. 2011. FrsA functions as a cofactor-independent decarboxylase to control metabolic flux. Nature Chemical Biology. 7:434-436

- Lee, K.-J., J.-A. Kim, W. Hwang, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013 Role of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) in biofilm formation and regulation of CPS production by quorum-sensing in Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 90(4):841-857

- Lee, K.-J., M.-A. Lee, W. Hwang, H. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Deacylated lipopolysaccharides inhibit biofilm formation by Gram-negative bacteria. Biofouling. 32(7):711-723.

- Lee, K-J., Y.-C. Jung, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Role of heat-shock proteases in quorum sensing-mediated regulation of biofilm formation by Vibrio species. mBio. 9(1):e02086-17.

- Lee, H.-Y., Lee, E.-A. Park, K.-J. LeeK.-H. Lee, S.-J. Park. 2019. Increased innate lymphoid cell 3 and IL-17 production in mouse lamina propria stimulated with Giardia lambliaKorean Journal of Parasitology. 57(3): 225-232 

- Kang, S., H. Park, K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Transcription activation of two clusters for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis by phosphorylated DctD in Vibrio vulnificus. Environmental Microbiology. 23(9):5364-5377.

Choi, Y., E. Jeong, D.-G. Lee, J.-H. Jin, Y.-S. So, S.-R. Yu, K.-J. Lee, Y. Ha, C.-J. Lin, Y.-L. Chen, J. B. Park, H.-S. Cho, A. F. Averette, J. Heitmanf, K.-H. Lee, K. Lee, and Y.-S. Bahn. 2022. Unravelling the pathobiological role of the fungal KEOPS complex in Cryptococcus neoformans. mBio. 13(6):e02944-22.

학력 및 경력


2013 ~ 2016. 8. 부경대 미생물학과 BS

2017. 9 ~ 2019. 7. 9 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : 철이온-Fur 복합체에 의한 iscR 유전자 발현의 조절 기전]

현, 엔젠바이오

학력 및 경력


2012 ~ 2016. 2 서강대 생명과학과 BS

2016. 3 ~ 2018. 1. 12 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : Functional Characterization of a Biofilm-Maturating Lipoprotein and a Novel Chemotxis Protein in Vibrio vulnificus​]


2015년 1학기 성적 장학금

현, LG 생활건강

[학술대회 발표]

- Yang, H.-W., B.-R. Jang, K.-J. Lee and K.-H. Lee. 2017. Enhanced Biofilm Formation of Vibrio vulnificus by Secretion of the Membrane-Bound Protein IlpA. KMB

학력 및 경력


2007 ~ 2013. 8. 서강대 생명과학과 BS

2013. 9 ~ 2015. 7. 25 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : Expression of Formate-Dependent Nitrite Reductase (Nrf) Is Regulated by Fur and Fnr in Vibrio vulnificus]

현, SK 케미칼

[학술대회 발표]

- Kwon, D.-K., J.-A Kim, K.-H. Lee. 2015. Expression of Formate-Dependent Nitrite Reductase (Nrf) Is Regulated by Fur and Fnr in Vibrio vulnificus. ASM

- Kwon, D.-K., J.-A. Kim, K.-H. Lee. 2015. Nrf Expression Is Regulated by Iron-Fur Complex in Vibrio vulnificus. KMB (구두발표)

학력 및 경력


2006 ~ 2012 연세대 생물자원공학과 BS

2012. 9 ~ 2013. 2 서강대 분자미생물학/생물막연구실 연구원

2013. 3 ~ 2015. 7. 11 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : 철이온 반응 주화성단백질 Methyl-Accepting Protein의 특성 및 발현 조절기작의 규명]

현, 콜마파마(주)


2015. 6. 우수 포스터발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회)

[학술대회 발표]

- Yu, J. H., M.-A. Lee, K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2013. Effect of Heat-Shock on Biofilm Formation by a Pathogenic Bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus MO6-24/O. MSK

- Yu, J.-H., J.-A. Kim and K.-H. Lee. 2015. Characterization of a Methyl-Accepting Chemotaxis Protein (MCP) Regulated by Fur. KMB

나가미 사라 [永見 沙等]
학력 및 경력


2008 ~ 2012 선문대 의생명과학과 BS

2013. 3 ~ 2015. 7. 25 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : 틸라코이드 막의 광반응 최적화 조건 확립]

[학술대회 발표]

- Nagami, S., Yang, Y. J., S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013. Role of Adhesin Molecules in Pathogenesis of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. MSK

- Nagami, S., K.-J. Lee, Y.-C. Jung, and K.-H. Lee. 2015. Optimization of In Vitro Light Reaction Using Thylakoid Membrane. KMB (구두발표)


- Kim, J., S. Nagami, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2014. Characterization of microtubule-binding and dimerization activity of Giardia lamblia End-binding 1 protein. PLoS ONE. 9(5): e97850.

-Noh, H. J., S. Nagami, M. J. Kim, J. Kim, N. K. Lee, K.-H. Lee, S-J. Park. 2015. Role of VcrD1 protein in expression and secretion of flagellar components in Vibrio parahaemolyticusArchives of Microbiology. 197:397-410.

학력 및 경력
2009 ~ 2013. 2 서강대 컴퓨터공학과 (생명과학 복수전공) BS
2013. 3 ~ 2015. 2 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : Potassium Ion-Mediated Regulation of Biofilm Formation via Controlling the Cellular Level of Sigma Factor S]
2016 ~ 2021. 연세대 시스템생물학과 PhD [Microbial genomics & System biology]

현, Cellbiotech R&D Center

[학술대회 발표]
- Chung, Y. S., H. Park, M.-A. Lee, K.-J. Lee, K.-H. Lee. 2013. Requirement of Potassium Ion for Maturation of Biofilm Formed by Vibrio vulnificus. MSK
- Chung, Y.-S., K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. Potassium Ion-Mediated Regulation of Biofilm Formation via Controlling Cellular Level of Sigma S. MSK (구두발표)
학력 및 경력


2008 ~ 2012 고려대 식품생명공학과 BS

2012. 9 ~ 2014. 8 서강대 생명과학과 MS [학위논문 : Novel Regulatory Mechanism for Biofilm Maturation via Interactions among a Transcription Factor and Nutrient-Transport Systems]

현, DT & Sanomedics


2014. 6. 우수 학생 구두발표상 (한국미생물`생명공학회)

[학술대회 발표]

- Park, H., K.-J. Lee, M.-A. Lee, J.-A. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. Novel Regulatory Mechanism for Biofilm Maturation via Interactions among a Transcription Factor and Nutrient-Transport Systems. KMB (구두발표)

[논문 발표]

- Lee, K.-J., M.-A. Lee, W. Hwang, H. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Deacylated lipopolysaccharides inhibit biofilm formation by Gram-negative bacteria. Biofouling. 32(7):711-723

- Kang, S., H. Park, K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Transcription activation of two clusters for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis by phosphorylated DctD in Vibrio vulnificus. Environmental Microbiology. in press 

학력 및 경력


2000~2004 한국외대 환경학과 BS

2004~2006 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 패혈증비브리오균 유래 정족수인식 신호물질 합성 유전자의 탐색 및 조절자의 특성 조사]

2006~2012. 08. 한국외대 환경학과 PhD [학위논문 : Characterization of the quorum-sensing regulatory cascade and the regulatory mechanisms of flagellin production for biofilm formation in Vibrio vulnificus​]


2012. 9~ 2015. 8. 서강대학교 생명과학과 분자미생물학연구실 post-Doc

현, Graduate School of Biotechnol, Kyung Hee Univ. 연구교수


- 2006/2007 서울과학장학생 (서울시)

- 2012. 최우수포스터논문상 (한국미생물학회). 제목: Quorum-Sensing Repressive Metalloprotease Is an Apoptosis-Inducing Factor Secreted by a Pathogenic Bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus.

[논문 발표]

- Roh*, J.-B.,
M.-A. Lee*, H.-J. Lee, S.-M. Kim, Y. Cho, Y.-J. Kim, Y.-J. Seok, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2006. Transcriptional regulatory cascade for elastase production in Vibrio vulnificus: LuxO activates luxT expression and LuxT represses smcR expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281 (46):34775-34784. (*: 공동 제1저자)

- Kim, H.-S., M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Chun, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2007. Role of NtrC in biofilm formation via controlling expression of the gene encoding an ADP-glycero-manno-heptose-6-epimerase in the pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 63(2):559-574.

- Hwang W, N. Y. Lee, J. Kim, M.–A. Lee, K. S. Kim, K.-H. Lee, S. J. Park. 2011. Functional characterization of EpsC, a component of the type II secretion system, in the pathogenicity of Vibrio vulnificus. Infection and Immunity. 79:4068-4080. 

- Lee, H.-J., J.-A. Kim, M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013. Regulation of hemolysin (VvhA) production by ferric uptake regulator (Fur) in Vibrio vulnificus: Repression of vvhA transcription by Fur and proteolysis of VvhA by Fur-repressive exoproteases. Molecular Microbiology. 88(4):813-826. 

- Lee, M.-A., J.-A Kim, Y. J. Yang, M.-Y. Shin, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. VvpM, an extracellular metalloprotease of Vibrio vulnificus, induces apoptotic death of human cells. Journal of Microbiology. 52(12): 1036-1043. 

- Lee, M.-A. J.-A. Kim, M.-Y. Shin, J.K. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2015. VvpM induces human cell death via multifarious modes including necroptosis and autophagy. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 25(2):302-306. 

- Kim, J.-A. J. H. Park, M.-A. Lee, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, K.-S. Kim, S.H. Choi and K.-H. Lee. 2015. Stationary phase induction of vvpS expression by three transcription factors: Repression by LeuO and activation by SmcR and CRP. Molecular Microbiology. 97(2):330–346.

- Lee, K.-J., M.-A. Lee, W. Hwang, H. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Deacylated lipopolysaccharides inhibit biofilm formation by Gram-negative bacteria. Biofouling. 32(7):711-723 

- Kim, J.-A., M.-A. Lee, Y.-C. Jung, B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Repression of VvpM protease expression by quorum sensing and the cAMP-CRP complex in Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Bacteriology. Journal of Bacteriology. 200:e00526-17. 

- Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2019. Role of the flagellin-homologous proteins in biofilm formation by pathogenic Vibrio species. mBio. 10(4): e01793-19. 

- Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee,, H.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Role of DegQ in differential stability of flagellin subunits in Vibrio vulnificus. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 7:32. 

학력 및 경력


1997~2001 서강대 생명과학과 BS

2001~2003 서강대 생명과학과 MS 

2003~2012 서강대 생명과학과 PhD [학위논문 : Functional characterization of the type –I and –II secretion systems in pathogenicity of Vibiro vulnificus​]

2012 서강대학교 생명과학과 분자미생물학연구실 post-Doc 

현, University of Texas at Dallas

[주요 논문] 

- Hwang, W., N. Y. Lee, J. Kim, M.-A. Lee, K.-S. Kim, K.-H. Lee, S.-J. Park. 2011. Functional characterization of EpsC, a component of the type II secretion system, in the pathogenicity of Vibrio vulnificus. Infection and Immunity. 79(10):4068-4080. 

- Lee, K.-J., J.-A. Kim, W. Hwang, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013 Role of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) in biofilm formation and regulation of CPS production by quorum-sensing in Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 90(4):841-857. 

- Lee, K.-J., M.-A. Lee, W. Hwang, H. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Deacylated lipopolysaccharides inhibit biofilm formation by Gram-negative bacteria. Biofouling. 32(7):711-723.

MS, PhD, post-Doc
학력 및 경력


1999~2003 한국외대 환경학과 BS

2003~2005 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : Characterization of expression of ferric uptake regulation gene (fur) in pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus​]

2005~2008 한국외대 환경학과 PhD [학위논문: Regulatory characteristics of the Vibrio vulnificus global regulators, CRP, RpoS, and Fur essential for it’s survival and pathogenesis]



2008~2010 연세의대 환경의생명물학교실, 한국외대 분자미생물학연구실 Post-Doc

2011~2015 Lab of Molecular Biology [S. Gottesman], NIH Post-Doc

현, Antimicrobial Resistance Lab, Institute Pasteur Korea (선임연구원)


[논문 발표]

Lee, H.-J., K.-J. Park, A. Y. Lee, S. G. Park, B. C. Park, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2003. Regulation of fur expression by RpoS and Fur in Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Bacteriology. 185(19):5891-5896. 

Goo, S. Y., H.-J. Lee, W. H. Kim, K.-L. Han, D.-K. Park, H.-J. Lee, S. M. Kim, K.-S. Kim, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2006. Identification of OmpU of Vibrio vulnificus as a fibronectin-binding protein and its role in bacterial pathogenesis. Infection and Immunity. 74(10):5586-5594.

- Lee, H.-J., S. H. Bang, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2007. Positive regulation of fur gene expression via direct interaction of Fur in a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Bacteriology. 189(7):2629-2636.

- Lee, H.-J., S.-J. Park, S. H. Choi, and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Vibrio vulnificus rpoS expression is repressed by direct binding of cAMP-CRP complex to its two promoter regions. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(45):30438–30450.

- Lee, H.-J. and K.-H. Lee. 2012. Identification of the Fur-binding site in regulatory region of the vulnibactin-receptor gene in Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 22(1): 46-49

- Kim, H.-J. H.-J. Lee, K.-H. Lee, and J.-C. Cho. 2012. Simultaneous detection of pathogenic Vibrio species using multiplex real-time PCR. Food Control. 23(2):491-498.

- Lee, H.-J., J.-A. Kim, M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2013. Regulation of hemolysin (VvhA) production by ferric uptake regulator (Fur) in Vibrio vulnificus: Repression of vvhA transcription by Fur and proteolysis of VvhA by Fur-repressive exoproteases. Molecular Microbiology. 88(4):813-826.

- Kim, J.-A. J. H. Park, M.-A. Lee, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, K.-S. Kim, S.H. Choi and K.-H. Lee. 2015. Stationary phase induction of vvpS expression by three transcription factors: Repression by LeuO and activation by SmcR and CRP. Molecular Microbiology. 97(2):330–346.

학력 및 경력


1997~2003 한국외대 환경학과 BS

2003~2005 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : Characterization of biofilm formation by Vibrio vulnificus and involvement of NtrC in its developmental process]

2006~2010 한국외대 환경학과 PhD [학위논문: Identification of transcription factors and characterization of regulation networks essential for Vibrio vulnificus biofilm development]


2010~2011 한국외대 분자미생물학 실험실 및 환경과학연구소 Post-Doc

현, 에스에치플러스에코


2005. 5. Travel Award (ASM)

[논문 발표]

김창범, 노종복, 이현경, 최상호, 이동훈, 박순정, 이규호. 2005. 세균 생물막 형성의 단계별 특징. 한국미생물생명공학회지. 33(1):1-8. [Mini-Review]

- Kim, H.-S., M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Chun, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2007. Role of NtrC in biofilm formation via controlling expression of the gene encoding an ADP-glycero-manno-heptose-6-epimerase in the pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 63(2):559–574.

- Kim, H.-S., S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2009. Role of NtrC-regulated exopolysaccharides in the biofilm formation and pathogenic interaction of Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 74(2):436-453.

- Kim, H.-S., S.-M. Kim, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2009. Expression of the cpdA gene encoding a 3’,5’-cyclic AMP (cAMP) phosphodiesterase is positively regulated by cAMP-CRP complex. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(3):922-930

학력 및 경력


1989~1994 한국외대 환경학과 BS

1998~2000 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 농업토양의 미생물 조성에 관한 생태학적 연구]

2005~2009 한국외대 환경학과 PhD [학위논문: Characterization of the glucose-specific transporter (IIAglc) and the IIAGlc-binding protein (FrsA) of the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio vulnificus​]



2000~2006 농진청

2009~2011 경북 Sea Grant

2012~2013 카톨릭대학교 생명공학과 연구교수

2014~2015 한국연구재단 국책사업기획실 국책기획팀

현, 삼성서울병원 아토피환경보건센터 (사무국장)


[논문 발표]

천세진, 석영재, 이규호. 2006. 원핵세포에서 신호물질 및 조절인자로서의 3',5'-Cyclic adenosine monophosphate의 역할. (총설). 한국미생물생명공학회지. 34:289–298.

- Kim, H.-S., M.-A. Lee, S.-J. Chun, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2007. Role of NtrC in biofilm formation via controlling expression of the gene encoding an ADP-glycero-manno-heptose-6-epimerase in the pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. Molecular Microbiology. 63:559–574.

- Kim, W. H., S. Y. Goo, M. H. Shin, S.-J. Chun, H. Lee, K.-H. Lee, and S.-J. Park. 2008. Vibrio vulnificus-induced death of Jurkat T-cells requires activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase by NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species. Cellular Immunology. 253:81-91.

- Kim, Y.-J., Y. Ryu, B.-M. Koo, N. Y. Lee, S.-J. Chun, S.-J. Park, K.-H. Lee, Y.-J. Seok. 2010. A mammalian insulysin homolog is regulated by enzyme IIAGlc of the glucose transport system in Vibrio vulnificus. FEBS Letters. 584:4537-4544

Former MML Members
학력 및 경력


연구원 및 post-Doc
학력 및 경력
* {Post-Doc + 연구원} *

송기돈 (서울대 해양학과)

김송희 박사 (서울대 환경대학원) [논문 발표] Park, K.-J., M.-J. Kang, S. H. Kim, H.-J. Lee, J.-K. Lim, S. H. Choi, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2004. Isolation and characterization of rpoS in a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Role of σS in survival of exponential-phase cells under oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(11):3304-3312.; Park, K.-J., S. H. Kim et al. 2004. Functional complementation of Escherichia coli by the rpoS gene of the foodborne pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 14:1063-1066. 
전은경 (한국외대 환경학과) [논문 발표] 전은경, 안혜련, 박경제, 이규호. 1999. 세균의 적정 밀도 인식 기작에 관여하는 조절자군의 특징. (Mini-Review) 한국미생물학회지. 35:99-106.

강민진 박사 (Post-Doc) [논문 발표] Park, K.-J., M.-J. Kang et al. 2004. Isolation and characterization of rpoS in a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Role of σS in survival of exponential-phase cells under oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(11):3304-3312

배희정 (NRF 전략연구과제 지원 연구원)
유민경 박사 (Post-Doc)
김미선 (MML 행정연구원)
MS 졸업생 및 PhD 수료생
학력 및 경력

* {석사학위 + 박사수료} *


2000 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 제한환경 하에서의 발광성 및 병원성 미생물의 생리·생태적 반응양식의 연구]

2000~2005 한국외대 환경학과 박사과정 수료

[논문 발표] Park, K.-J. et al. 2004. Isolation and characterization of rpoS in a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Role of σS in survival of exponential-phase cells under oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(11):3304-3312.; Park, K.-Jet al2004. Functional complementation of Escherichia coli by the rpoS gene of the foodborne pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 14:1063-1066.; Cho, J.-C., K.-J. Park et al. 2004. A novel continuous toxicity test system using a luminously modified freshwater bacterium. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 20:338-344.

[특허 발표Park, K.-Jet al2001. Bioluminescent organism for detecting toxic substances. US Patent. No. 09/791479


2004 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 정족수 인식기작 조절자에 의한 다양한 세포외 단백질 분해효소의 발현조절에 대한 연구]

2004~2006 한국외대 환경학과 박사과정 수료

[논문 발표Lee, J.-H., J. B. Rho et al. 2004. Role of flagellum and motility in pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus. Infection and Immunity. 72(8):4905-4910.; Roh, J.-Bet al2006. Transcriptional regulatory cascade for elastase production in Vibrio vulnificus: LuxO activates luxT expression and LuxT represses smcR expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(46):34775-34784.


2004 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 패혈증 비브리오 균이 생성하는 막 지질단백질의 숙주 부착 및 생물막 형성능력에 관한 기능과 지질단백질을 코딩하는 lpp 유전자 발현의 특성 조사]

2004~2008 한국외대 환경학과 박사과정 수료

[논문 발표] Goo, S Y., Y. S. Han et al2007. Vibrio vulnificus IlpA-induced cytokine production is mediated by Toll-like receptor 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282(38):27647-27658.; Lee, K.-J., N. Y. Lee, Y.-S. Han et al 2010. Functional characterization of the IlpA protein of Vibrio vulnificus as an adhesin and its role in bacterial pathogenesis. Infection and Immunity. 78(6):2408-2417.

* {석사학위} *


1998 한국외대 미생물학과 MS [학위논문 : 병원성 Vibrio vulnificus의 환경억제 조건에 대한 반응양식 및 이에 관여하는 유전자의 특성의 조사]


2001 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : Ecological characterization of survival of Vibrio vulnificus cells, and molecular characterization of stress-survival regulator, cAMP-phosphodiesterase]


2003 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 생존 관여 유전자 규명 및 특수환경 내 미생물 군집 특성 조사]

[논문 발표] Kim, H.-S., S.-M. Kim, H.-J. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2009. Expression of the cpdA gene encoding a 3’,5’-cyclic AMP (cAMP) phosphodiesterase is positively regulated by cAMP-CRP complex. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(3):922-930

경기도 지역연구센터 (GRRC) 바이오산업용 단백질 연구센터 (한국외대) 


2004 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 패혈증 비브리오 균주에서 합성되는 정족수 인식 신호물질의 탐지와 그 역할에 관한 연구]

[논문 발표] Park, K.-J., M.-J. Kang, S. H. Kim, H.-J. Lee, J.-K. Lim, S. H. Choi, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2004. Isolation and characterization of rpoS in a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Role of σS in survival of exponential-phase cells under oxidative stress. Journal of Bacteriology. 186(11):3304-3312 

UST 해양생명공학전공 PhD

한국해양연구원 Post-Doc

현, 한국해양과학기술원 해양생명공학연구센터 (책임연구원)


2004 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : Regulation of exoproteases by a quorum-sensing signal compound and a novel regulator in pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus]


[논문 발표] Roh, J.-B., M.-A. Lee, H.-J. Lee, S.-M. Kim, Y. Cho, Y.-J. Kim, Y.-J. Seok, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2006.Transcriptional regulatory cascade for elastase production in Vibrio vulnificus: LuxO activates luxT expression and LuxT represses smcR expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(46):34775-34784.


2010 한국외대 환경학과 MS [학위논문 : 세균의 단백질분해효소에 의한 유영 운동성 및 생물막형성의 조절]

[논문 발표] Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee, H.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2021. Role of DegQ in differential stability of flagellin subunits in Vibrio vulnificusnpj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 7:32 

고려대학교 공과대학 PhD

Dept. Microbiol., Michigan State Univ. Post-Doc

현, 전북대학교 생명공학부 (조교수)