본문으로 바로가기주요메뉴 바로가기


R205-A; R208
학력 및 경력

1981 ~ 1985 서울대학교 미생물학과 BS
1985 ~ 1987 Univ. Georgia 생태학/미생물학과 MS

1988 ~ 1989 육군
1989 ~ 1994 USC 생물학 PhD
1994 ~ 1995 Stanford Univ. 미생물학/면역학과 Post-Doc
1995. 9 ~ 2011. 8 한국외국어대학교 환경학과 교수
2002. 3 ~ 2004. 2 한국외국어대학교 환경학과 학과장
2008. 3 ~ 2011. 7 한국외국어대학교 환경과학연구소 소장
2010. 5 ~ 2012. 5 한국연구재단 기초연구본부 생명과학단 전문위원 [RB]
2011. 9 ~ 현재      서강대학교 생명과학과 교수
2014. 2 ~ 2016. 2 서강대학교 생명과학과 학과장

- Lee, K.-H., M. A. Moran, R. Benner, and R. E. Hodson. 1990. Influence of soluble components of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) leaves on microbial decomposition of structural (lignocellulosic) leaf components in seawater. Bulletin of Marine Science. 46:374-385.
- Lee, K.-H., and E. G. Ruby. 1992. Detection of the light organ symbiont, Vibrio fischeri, in Hawaiian seawater by using lux gene probes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 58:942-947.
- Lee, K.-H., and E. G. Ruby. 1994. Competition between Vibrio fischeri strains during initiation and maintenance of a light organ symbiosis. Journal of Bacteriology. 176:1985-1991.
- Lee, K.-H., and E. G. Ruby. 1994. Effect of the squid host on the abundance and distribution of symbiotic Vibrio fischeri in nature. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 60:1565-1571.
- Lee, K.-H., and E. G. Ruby. 1995. Symbiotic role of the viable but nonculturable state of Vibrio fischeri in Hawaiian coastal seawater. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 61:278-283.
- Ruby, E. G., and K.-H. Lee. 1998. The Vibrio fischeri-Euprymna scolopes light organ association: Current ecological paradigms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 64:805-812
- Schweder*, T., K.-H. Lee*, O. Lomovskaya, and A. Matin. 1996. Regulation of Escherichia coli starvation sigma factor (σs) by ClpXP protease. Journal of Bacteriology. 178:470-476. [*, co-first author]

* 학회 활동

- 한국미생물`생명공학회 [KMB]:

J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 편집간사, 1999-2000; 국제협력간사, 2001; 학술간사, 2003; 재무간사, 2005; 총무간사, 2006; '환경미생물' 학술분과 위원장, 2009-2010; '의과학' 학술분과 위원장, 2011-2012; 기획간사, 2014; 간사장, 2015; 장기발전기획위원회 위원장, 2016; 자산관리위원회 위원장, 2017; 학술지 [J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (JMB); Mircobiol. Biotechnol. Lett. (MBL)] 편집위원회 위원장, 2018; JMB 편집위원장, 2019-2020 (https://www.jmb.or.kr/main.html); 수석부회장, 2020; 학술진흥위원회 위원장, 2022; 학회장, 2023 (https://www.kormb.or.kr/)

- 한국미생물학회 [MSK]:

기획운영위원, 1999; J. Microbiol. 편집부위원장, 2008; 기획운영위원장, 2009; J. Microbiol. 편집위원장, 2012; 실무위원장, 2013; 부회장, 2021

* 수상

Phi Kappa Phi (Honor Society ΦΚΦ, 1987. 12); Award for Best TA (USC, 1990. 5); Travel Award (ASM, 1993. 5); Sea Grant Fellowship (US Sea Grant, 1994. 2); Saber Fellowship (ASM, 1994. 5); Phi Kappa Phi (Honor Society ΦΚΦ, 1994. 5); 학술장려상 (한국미생물`생명공학회, 2004. 6); 2003년도 우수교원 표창장 (한국외국어대학교, 2005. 5); 2006년도 HUFS 강의상 (한국외국어대학교, 2007. 4); 2007년도 우수교원 표창장 (한국외국어대학교, 2008. 4); 송암학술상 (한국미생물`생명공학회, 2010. 6); 2010년도 HUFS 강의상 (한국외국어대학교, 2011. 4); KRIBB 학술상-선도과학자 (한국미생물학회, 2011. 10); 제26회 과학기술우수논문상 (한국과학기술단체총연합회, 2016. 7); 학술대상 (한국미생물학회, 2020. 10); 공헌상 (한국미생물`생명공학회, 2024. 6)

Invited Seminars
학술대회 발표
학력 및 경력

- Lee, K.-H. 1995. Symbiosis and ecology of marine luminous bacteria. 한국미생물학회.

- Lee, K.-H. 1996. Effect of symbiotic relationship between luminous bacteria and marine animals on the population structure of symbionts in marine ecosystems. 한국생태학회.

- Lee, K.-H. 1997. The post-translational regulation of sigma-S involves ClpPX proteolytic activity during exponential phased Escherichia coli. 한국미생물학회.

- Kim, S.-M., H. S. Ihm, and K.-H. Lee. 2002. Characterization of expression of cpdA and role of cAMP phosphodiesterase in Vibrio vulnificus. 한국미생물학회연합.
- Lee, K.-H. 2003. Quorum-sensing regulations in Vibrio vulnificus: Involvement of non-AI-2 signal molecules and LuxU/O regulators. 한국공업화학회.
- Kim, C.-B., S.-J. Park, K.-H. Lee. 2005. Involvement of quorum-sensing regulator in biofilm formation by pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. [Marine Biotechnology: Korea-Japan Symposium] 한국생물공학회.
- Kim, C. B., S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2005. Functional role of NtrC in biofilm development by regulating exopolysaccharide biosynthesis. 한국미생물`생명공학회.
- Kim, C. B., S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2005. Regulation of biofilm formation by NtrC in Vibrio vulnificus. 한국미생물학회연합.
- Kim, H.-S., and K.-H. Lee. 2006. Biofilm development by regulating exopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Vibrio vulnificus. 한국미생물`생명공학회.
- Kim, H.-S., W. H. Kim, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2007. Regulation of exopolysaccharide (EPS) syntheses in Vibrio vulnificus and their roles in biofilm formation and adherence. 한국미생물학회연합.
- Kim, H.-S. and K.-H. Lee. 2007. Regulation of biofilm formation by a pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and exopolysaccharide (EPS). 한국생물공학회.
- Lee, M.-A. and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Regulatory cascade for quorum-sensing mechanism in Vibrio vulnificus. 한국미생물학회.
- Kim, H.-S. and K.-H. Lee. 2010. Vibrio vulnificus biofilm: Regulation and roles of extracellular polysaccharides. 한국미생물학회.
- Lee, K.-J., S.-J. Chun, and K.-H. Lee. 2010. Role of the enzyme IIAGlc in glucose fermentation of a human pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus. 한국미생물학회연합.
- Lee, K.-J. and K.-H. Lee. 2011. Role of the fermentation/respiration-switch protein (FrsA) in controlling metabolic flux via catalyzing pyruvate decarboxylation reaction. 한국미생물학회연합.

- Lee, K.-J. and K.-H. Lee. 2014. Regulation of biofilm developmental stages via extracellular polysaccharides. 한국미생물`생명공학회.

- Lee, K.-H. 2015. Future directions and strategic plans for research and development in microbial genomics of food, animals, and plants. [FORUM. Strategic Initiative for Microbial Genomics in Agriculture & Food] 한국미생물`생명공학회.

- Jang B.-R., K.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. 'Oxygen-FNR-sRNA regulatory pathway' controls the anaerobic induction of fermentation-respiration switch protein. 한국미생물학회.
- Kim, J.-A., D.-K. Kwon, H.-J. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Metabolic switch of Vibrio vulnificus during pathogenic interaction in host environments: From fermentation to anaerobic respiration. 한국미생물`생명공학회.
- Lee, K-H. 2017. Effect of bacterial symbiosis on its ecology - A light organ microbiome composed of a single bacterial population. [KEYNOTE LECTURE] 한국미생물`생명공학회 동계심포지움.

- Lee, K.-J. and K.-H. Lee 2017. Temperature switches the quorum sensing ON/OFF. 한국미생물학회.
- Jung, Y.-C., K.-J. Lee, B.-R. Jang, and K.-H. Lee. 2018. Control of biofilm formation by using the bacterial extracellular polysaccharides. 한국미생물학회연합.
- Kim, J.-A., B.-R. Jang, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, K.-S. Kim, and K.-H. Lee. 2020. Cyclic(Phe-Pro) induces the death of mouse gut microorganisms. 한국미생물`생명공학회.

- Jung, Y.-C., B.-R. Jang, S. Kang, and K.-H. Lee. 2020. Biofilm life-style of Vibrio[SPECIAL LECTURE] 한국미생물`생명공학회.

- Jang, B.-R., J.-A. Kim, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-C. Jung, and K.-H. Lee 2021. A signal molecule of foodborne pathogens induces the death of gut commensals in an animal model. [OPENING LECTURE] 한국미생물학회.