12차 VI-Meeting
4/13(토) 10 a.m. 서강대 K-101호
Faculty talk:
- 이규호 교수 (서강대) Regulatory Roles of Fur in Production of the Vibrio vulnificus Virulence Factors - Hemolysin, Elastolytic Protease, and Apoptosis-Inducing Metalloprotease
Student presentation:
- 맹신애 (연대 반용선 교수 연구실, 박사과정) Functional Characterization of Stress-Activated Transcription Factors in Cryptococcus neoformans
- 심민지 (중대 이강석 교수 연구실, 석박사통합과정) Osmoregulation of betT mRNA degradation by RNase III in Escherichia coli
- 민경배 (연세의대 윤상선교수 연구실, 석사과정) Metabolic and Physiological Differences between Mucoid and Nonmucoid P. aeruginosa revealed by Phenotype Microarray Analysis