왼쪽부터, 정아, 현정, 한석, 세진, 미애, 양수, 경조, 한신. (그리고 인황 - 미애 바로 뒤에 있는)
- 김정아 Kim, J.-A., M.-A. Lee, K.-E. Lee, K.-S. Kim, K.-H. Lee. 2008. Regulation of serine protease expression by quorum-sensing regulators in Vibrio vulnificus.
- 김한석 Kim, H.-S., H.-S. Kim, W. H. Kim, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Roles of NtrC-regulated exopolysaccharides in biofilm formation and pathogenic interaction of Vibrio vulnificus.
- 이현정 Lee, H.-J., and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Identification of the novel Fur-binding site and its role in gene expression controlled by Fur in Vibrio vulnificus genome.
- 천세진 Chun, S.-J., K.-J. Lee, B.-M. Koo, Y.-J. Seok, and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Role of the EIIAglc-binding protein (YafA) in regulating a hemolytic activity of Vibrio vulnificus.
-한양수 Han, Y.-S., S. Y. Goo, S.-J. Park and K.-H. Lee. 2008. Role of the immunogenic lipoprotein (IlpA) in adherence of Vibrio vulnificus.
-한양수 Han, Y.-S., S.-J. Park, K.-H. Lee. 2008. Expression of ilpA gene encoding an immunogenic lipoprotein in pathogenic bacterium, Vibrio vulnificus: Repression of ilpA expression by iron and Fur.