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2016 ASM 보스톤_이경조 정유철 장보람 강세빈 양희완
작성자 운영자 작성일 16-06-30 13:48 조회 3,043

ASM Microbe 2016 [116th ASM Meeting, Boston, June 16-20 2016]

- 이경조 : Lee, K.-J., H.-W. Yang and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Regulation of Cellular Level of Fermentation Respiration Switch (FrsA) by IIAGlc and DegQ.
- 장보람 이경조 : Jang, B.-R., K.-J. Lee and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Anaerobic Induction of FrsA Expression by the Oxygen-FNR-sRNA Regulatory Pathway.
- 정유철 이미애 : Jung, Y.-C., M.-A. Lee, and K.-H. Lee. 2016. Interaction of Flagellin-homologous Proteins with EPS and Its Effect on Biofilm Formation of Vibrio vulnificus.
- 강세빈 박하나 : Kang, S., H. Park, K.-J. Lee, J.-A. Kim, M.-A. Lee, and Kyu-Ho Lee. 2016. Regulation of EPS Production and Biofilm Formation by Synergistic Interaction of DctD and IIAGlc.