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작성자 MML 작성일 21-08-02 16:39 조회 1,912

이규호, 최상호. 1995. Luminous Vibrio fischeri의 공생과 생태: 분자생물학적 기법을 통한 접근. (리뷰논문) 미생물과 산업. 21:43-49.

박경제윤혜영천세진, 이호자, 이동훈, 장덕진, 이규호. 1998. 스트레스 하의 자연세균의 활성 및 생존의 발광표현형을 이용한 탐지. 한국미생물학회지. 34:154-161.

전은경, 안혜련, 박경제이규호. 1999. 세균의 적정 밀도 인식 기작에 관여하는 조절자군의 특징. (리뷰논문) 한국미생물학회지. 35:99-106.

- Lee, J. H., K.-H. Lee, and S. H. Choi. 2001. Enumeration of Vibrio vulnificus in natural samples by colony blot hybridization. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 11:302-309.

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- Park, J.-E. K.-H. Lee, and D. Jahng. 2002. Effect of trehalose on bioluminescence and viability of freeze-dried bacterial cells. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 12:349-353. 

Park, K.-J., S. H. Kim, M.-G. Kim, D. H. Chung, S. D. Ha, K.-S. Kim, D. Jahng, and K.-H. Lee. 2004. Functional complementation of Escherichia coli by the rpoS gene of the foodborne pathogenic Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 14:1063-1066. 

- Rho, S., N. H. An, D. H. Ahn, K.-H. Lee, D.-H. Lee, and D. Jahng. 2005. PCR-T-RFLP analyses of bacterial communities in activated sludges in the aeration tanks of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 15(2):287-295. 

김창범노종복, 이현경, 최상호, 이동훈, 박순정, 이규호. 2005. 세균 생물막 형성의 단계별 특징. (리뷰논문) 한국미생물생명공학회지. 33(1):1-8. 

천세진, 석영재, 이규호. 2006. 원핵세포에서 신호물질 및 조절인자로서의 3',5'-Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate의 역할. (리뷰논문) 한국미생물생명공학회지. 34(4):289–298. 

- Lee, J.-W., J.-H. Nam, Y.-H. Kim, K.-H. Lee, and D.-H. Lee. 2008. Bacterial communities in the initial stage of marine biofilm formation on artificial surfaces. Journal of Microbiology. 46(2):174-182. 

Lee, H.-J. and K.-H. Lee. 2012. Identification of the Fur-binding site in regulatory region of the vulnibactin-receptor gene in Vibrio vulnificus. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 22(1):46-49. 

Lee, M.-A., J.-A Kim, Y. J. Yang, M.-Y. Shin, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2014. VvpM, an extracellular metalloprotease of Vibrio vulnificus, induces apoptotic death of human cells. Journal of Microbiology. 52(12):1036-1043. 

Lee, M.-AJ.-A. Kim, M.-Y. Shin, J. K. Lee, S.-J. Park, and K.-H. Lee. 2015. VvpM induces human cell death via multifarious modes including necroptosis and autophagy. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 25(2):302-306. 

- Chung, H. Y., K.-H. Lee, S. Ryu, H. Yoon, J.-H. Lee, H. B. Kim, H. Kim, H. G. Jeong, S. H. Choi, B.-S. Kim. 2016. Genome sequence of Bacillus cereus FORC_021, a food-borne pathogen isolated from a knife at a sashimi restaurant. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 26(12): 2030-2035. 
